Latest COVID-19 Update, Happy Easter, and more. . .

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Governor McMaster has declared a new state of emergency. All of his previous orders remain in effect for the duration of the emergency, or until he announces otherwise. The Executive Order can be found here.
The latest update from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is that there are 113 new cases of COVID-19, including two additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,319, and those who have died to 82.
The number of new cases by county are as follows: Allendale (1), Anderson (4), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (16), Charleston (8), Chester (1), Colleton (1), Darlington (2), Dillion (2), Dorchester (4), Florence (6), Greenville (14), Hampton (1), Horry (2), Kershaw (1), Lancaster (3), Laurens (1), Lee (2), Lexington (10), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (1), Richland (15), Spartanburg (4), Sumter (2), York (7)
Testing in South Carolina
As of April 11, DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory has conducted 10,335 tests for COVID-19. Of these tests, 1,225 positive and 9,110 were negative. A total of 31,426 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week. The Public Health Laboratory’s current time frame for providing results to health care providers is 24-48 hours.
Hospital Bed Capacity
As of this morning, 5,898 hospital beds are available and 5,715 are utilized, which is a 50.8% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
Cases by County and ZIP Code
DHEC just released two new interactive maps with the latest confirmed and estimated COVID-19 cases by county and ZIP code. The estimated cases represent possible cases based on evidence that for every known case of COVID-19, there could be up to 9 people with the virus who remain unidentified in the community.
How We Can Protect Ourselves
We are encouraged to stay home and minimize contact with people outside our households to prevent the spread of the disease.
Other steps the we should take include:
Monitoring for symptoms
Practicing social distancing
Avoiding touching frequently touched items
Regularly washing your hands
DHEC Care Line
For general questions about COVID-19, the DHEC Care Line is there to help. Call 1-855-472-3432 if you have any questions or concerns. Staff will be answering calls 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day in English and Spanish.
The DHEC COVID-19 site at is updated often to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the virus. For additional resources, residents may also visit CDC's COVID-19 webpage.
Anyone with concerns about their health should reach out to their healthcare provider or use the telehealth services provided by several health care systems. For telehealth options and the latest information about DHEC’s COVID-19 response efforts, please visit For stress, anxiety and mental health resources from the S.C. Department of Mental Health. Visit

On a personal note, It's Official! I filed my intention to run again in the upcoming election. It has been an honor and privilege to serve you and our community in the House of Representatives, and I hope that I will continue to have your support and confidence. Please visit my website at to stay current on campaign happenings or if you would like to get involved.
Happy Easter. Happy Passover.
Be Safe! Stay vigilant!