Upcoming Legislative Session

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As this year comes to an end, I look forward to the upcoming legislative session and the opportunities 2014 will bring.
I continue to work diligently to serve the good people of our community. I have outlined below several issues that the General Assembly likely will be working on in 2014. If you would like to discuss any of these issues or have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.
I wish you all a safe and prosperous 2014!
Best wishes,

Potential Issues in 2014
Higher ED – colleges and universities will be seeking to obtain more state money in return for not raising tuition
Reform of the High School League
Removing the “Exit Exam” as a requirement for Graduation
Modernization of the Education Accountability Act
Charter School Accountability – The House amended, approved, and sent the Senate H.3853, which makes various revisions pertaining to Charter Schools. The legislation provides for greater accountability in both the application and school closing stages. The legislation requires charter school sponsors to adopt and follow national industry standards.
Common Core – The full committee gave a favorable report toH.3893. This legislation requires that the General Assembly give its approval before the state board of education adopts and implements new standards and assessments.
In-State tuition for Veterans
Re-authorization of First Steps
Flow Control – the issue of county solid waste flow – pending in the Senate.
LLR licensing reform
BONDS – restrictions on awarding of bond to a habitual offender
Docket Management – will address who manages general sessions docket – the solicitors and/or the courts.
Ignition Interlock – required installation for first offense DUI if 0.12 or higher (Emma’s Law)
Distracting driving – enactment of laws banning texting while driving.
Other issues
Dept of Administration – abolishing the old Budget and Control Board
Ethics Reform – comprehensive ethics reform legislation
DOT – there is an effort underway to produce a more detailed list of projects by categories – bridges, interstate maintenance, safety improvements, etc.- and perhaps base future findings on it.